PHILIPPINES – Caméléon with young girls victims of sexual violence
From Oct. 21st to Nov. 3rd 2016, Bettina Castaño, Catherine Habasque et Kilian Haselbeck were in the Philippines to work through dance on the programm of personal rehabilitation with abused children.
A few words from the director of the association Cameleon:”Dancing to foster resilience in young girls affected by sexual violence”
The 10 day dance workshop (Flamenco, Hip hop, Ballet) that volunteers from “Dancers for the World” offered our girls who have survived sexual assault was a magic moment for everyone. Not only did the young girls discover new artistic and corporeal forms, but they also took pleasure in imitating the attitudes of classical dancers, proudly raising their heads during flamenco sessions and clapping their hands while shouting „Olé!“.
For girls originating from poverty and economic deprivation whose intimacy has been violated, it is of utmost importance to find pleasure in being in their bodies once again. Progressively getting in contact again with this body which has been abused, rediscovering the capacity to move and develop in space and overcoming shame through the joy of presenting oneself proudly on stage contributes to rehabilitation. The small performance on the occasion of the day of health where our girls could demonstrate their skills in front of 300 other beneficiaries of the association was a big moment of sharing and joy for all of us.
The Cameleon team observes everyday the importance of complementary interventions. Although basic care (protection, education, health) as well as psychosocial and legal assistance are very important, the youngsters also draw a lot of strength and courage from sport, playful and artistic activities like the circus, taekwondo or dancing. It is the integration of these approaches and the multitude of the supports for resilience which allows every girl to find what makes her vibrate inside and to draw upon the resources which she needs to rebuild herself and to prepare her future.”
Sabine Claudio – Director Cameleon Philippines.